This isn't going to be the most interesting post, but I figured I needed to post something. I haven't taken any cute pictures worth posting since christmas so this wont have any pictures either. We are getting over the end of the stomach crud again at our place. Savannah and Logan had it this last week and Aron is starting to get congested. I will be glad when this season is over it seems like this year we have been getting more sick. Different place different germs I guess. With me baby sitting I'm sure there is more circulation of germs that way too. One thing that was really amazing and reaffirmed what I already knew was when Logan was sick he was holding his ear and saying "ouchy" I thought he had an ear infection. It was after the clinics had closed so I just gave him some medicine and I was going to take him to the Dr. in the morning. Dave gave him a blessing that night before putting him to bed and Logan slept the whole night and didn't complain about his ear anymore. The best part was a couple days later Logan found Dave's oil vial on his keys and found Dave then started patting his head with the vial. :) It melted Dave's heart. Its so great that he was able to recognize that the blessing helped him feel better. I love the Priesthood!
Well with Logan getting sick he wasn't eating much, I thought once he starts to feel better he would start eating again. NOPE!! I guess I will just have to figure out how to deal with a picky eater now. Usually even when Logan is sick there are a few foods that he will still eat. This last time he wouldn't even eat those and forget introducing new foods. I feel bad that he is hungry sometimes, but I want him to eat when we do and not snack all day. His terrible two stage has started as well. So when he is in a good mood it's really good, but heaven forbid he doesn't get his way. I almost forgot what it was like to have a 2 yr old. At least he is doing really well with potty training. When he isn't wearing underwear or a diaper he does really well, but when I put pants on him again that is when he 'forgets' to go in the bathroom. For just turning 2 he is still doing really well so I guess I shouldn't be worried about it.
Savannah and Myla are still up to their regular routine. Getting back into the swing of it wasn't as bad as I was thinking it would be after Christmas break. Myla was excited to go back to school and so was Savannah. With a new semester I have a new schedule for babysitting as well. Its not too different, but its more consistent with the time that the mom is done for the day.
Aron is rolling over regularly now and is starting to become a little chatter box. I forget how much a simple smile from a baby can make everything better. I like to lay on the floor with Aron and we will 'talk' for a while and it will just brighten my day no matter how stressed I feel. There are some days where I just look at my kids and am in awe at how much I love them. I didn't know there was enough room in my heart for all the love I have for them.