Thursday, June 16, 2011

6 Months old

Logan is 6 months old today. I can't believe how fast that has gone by. Time runs in a different frame when you have kids. Things seem to change so much faster. I have to remind myself that they will only be this little for so long then this time in their life will be over. There are some days that I wish it could go faster, but most days I try really hard to just enjoy it. Before I know it they will be grown up and gone and that is when I will miss these days. I just hope that they don't look back on these days and only remember that I was frustrated most of the time. I try and not let the small things bother me, but when Myla and Savannah smile when they are in trouble it bothers me. I guess its still is and always will be a learning process. Logan is already crusing along the couch and trying so hard to walk. He is trying so hard to catch up to his sisters and I want him to stay little for a while longer, but I don't think I have a choice in that matter.

Well Fathers Day is on sunday and Dave found his present early. Thats okay because I was really excited to give it to him. Its a picture for his classroom at the High School of me with the kids. I'm just really glad that he likes the picture.

Logan's 6 month pic

1 comment:

  1. Aubrey! I'm so glad you posted your blog info. I love looking at my friends and family's blogs. I love the picture. Your family is so cute!
